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11 February, 2015

Top Free WordPress Plugins 2015

Top Free wordpress Plugins. It's been a few months since we started this regular with our monthly selection of plugins for WordPress recommended.
Since then, since own comments in this series as a way questions that have come to us through the contact form we have received a number of inquiries plugins.
So the selection of plugins today is inspired by these questions and thus probably cover concerns and needs of many people.


Many people ask me how to integrate ads into your blog WordPress, particularly ads AdSense .Since AdSense ads and almost all the other are implemented as JavaScript code that pulls the ad server can be done as simple as using this code directly with a text widget manner.In a post things get a bit more complicated because in the text of a post can not use JavaScript without further need to gigs a little more , or, to use shortcodes (the option we use at the time in this blog) .AdRotate is a manager entire ad.But in any case I do not advise you to go through these pathways and instead they use a software announcements as the plugin AdRotate because not only eliminate complications, but you have everything more organized and get additional interesting features such as the tracking of clicks on banners, priorities of different ads or the ability to create and also integrate announcements made ​​by you for use with direct advertisers.
The plugin is fremium and therefore also provided a free version that will be sufficient for the + 90% of cases and quite affordable PRO version (from € 29) which adds interesting features like being able to show ads by geolocation (ie , segmented by the reader and its location), detection of ad blockers, complete management of advertisers (define collections by impressions, clicks, etc., their access to your information, etc.In my case I have not used this plugin directly, but I decided to include it for good references that I have third as caesar Bloglanders and good press with counts in the network.

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget does a very simple thing, but no less useful: add a text widget integrated with the standard WordPress visual editor TinyMCE.
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
 This aims to overcome the limitations of the default text widget in WordPress so you can create attractive widgets visually without any knowledge of HTML (although obviously are not bad).
In this way, you can add different styles to text, add images or add links using the editor. You can use, for example, to create a banner with text or a social widget attractive keypad.Here I leave a video where you can see an example of a simple widget created with this plugin.


Codestyling Localization

One of the recurring problems are translations of WordPress theme and plugins.
Especially in the themes and free plugins are many who completely lack a translation.The biggest problem with this is that it can affect what users see. Certain elements of the theme as, for example, the line with the author's name in the header of a post or the various standard labels like "read full post" or "previous entries" and similar, if not well translated into the subject, appear in English. This has been the case in this blog with the theme PageLines 2 and the plugin will fix it.Three quarters of the same for plugins that generate visual elements such as widgets, etc. with incomplete or no translation.Luckily, almost always the theme or plugin in question is prepared to support multiple languages, but simply lacks the appropriate file translations in Castilian. But thanks to the Multilanguage WordPress is standardized using the Codestyling Localization plugin , we can create standard files .po and .mo missing translations directly with the plugin.Best of all this is that the plugin is able to use the APIs translation Google and Microsoft which allows you to automate translations if you want.


Advanced Responsive Video Embedder

Many people ask me how I get the videos in this blog look to the full width of the post or page.In case you have not noticed, WordPress to embed a video, by default, does not adapt the width of the videos to the width of the post or page and this, as the case may get to be pretty ugly.
The plugin Advanced Responsive Video Embedder fix this problem.
But the plugin does just that, but also improves the standard WordPress support for embedded videos with these features:

  • Helps to load pages faster using thumbnails (optional)
  • It is "responsive", the video width adapts to different widths of the content on different devices or simply when the user changes the window size
  • Support a long list of formats (suppliers) video  


SEO Redirection Plugin

As you know, when a URL no longer exists in your blog, if a user viewed via any links they have done to you, that user will see an error page 404.
To avoid such bad experiences of users is common practice to redirect URLs that no longer exist to another page which can be done with instruction "redirect" configured on the web server. It also gives this need in other settings, for example, migration of blogs.
 A redirection of this type is very simple to set in .htaccess you have to have your web server, but most of the authors of a blog are not comfortable playing this very technical level the blog.
If you are one of these users, you'll like the Redirection Plugin SEO plugin as it lets you easily create those redirections from WordPress simply stating the URL obsolete and the new URL that should be redirected.
It also lets you monitor 404 errors, so if you've confused with any page that you delete the will detect and you can create, if necessary, a redirection for it to leverage its traffic and authority at SEO as it is transmitted in part (it is not known exactly how much because Google does not reveal) to the new page to create a redirect.That's all for today, how quickly time has passed :)
I hope again that you liked this post plugins questions and remember that suggestions are welcome, help us to better select plugins future installments of this section.


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